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SENTUHLÀ (Elettronica / Spagna – Live) + Les Giants dj set

SENTUHLÀ (Elettronica / Spagna – Live) + Les Giants dj set VENERDÌ 17/05 2024

Avviso alle/i socƏ: ingresso con tessera ARCI 2023/2024
SENTUHLÀ (Elettronica / Spagna – Live)
Sentuhlà is one of the many aliases of musical jack of all trades José Guerrero, a long-standing figure in the already rich underground scene of Valencia. In this solo excursion, he explores the vast possibilities of mechanical repetition, the machine funk of dirtbag rhythms, and proper boogie DIY synth music, sculpting a syncopated sound that is both modern and atavistic. Coming from a deep knowledge and ability to communicate very diverse sounds, slow jams unfold into dance music for clear-eyed lounge lizards for whom sleaze comes not dizzy but focused. Whitened African rhythms beat up no-wave disco pleasure points, managing the hard task of being very cool and nonchalant, but also hot and dedicated.
a seguire Les Giants dj set

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