Avviso alle/i socƏ: ingresso con tessera ARCI 2024/25
TEXOPRINT (EX Kalaallit Nunaat) // NL – Rotterdam // Noise Rock – Post Punk Live + Luca Tanzini dj set
Texoprint is a noise rock trio known for their intense live shows and uncompromising sound. With a mix of high speed and loud volumes, they create music where sharp guitar tones and relentless rhythms form a powerful, immersive whole. Beneath the raw surface lie carefully crafted songs with personal, critical, and cynical themes. The band has built a solid live reputation with performances at festivals like Best Kept Secret and Zwarte Cross, and their recent *Mumble EP* was well-received by audiences and critics alike.
LIVE SESSION: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sdRlGceFtgAVIDEO PUSH IT DOWN: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D0_DBM1KtYUVIDEO MUMBLE: https://youtu.be/EQE0UqicjaQ?si=XK1KztiPqVo4UE48
a seguire Tab_Ularasa dj sethttps://www.instagram.com/agenziadiviaggiinterplanetaria/
richiesta adesione al circolo on line:https://portale.arci.it/preadesione/fanfulla/https://tessera-arci.it/