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✭ Śhānti ✭ Free Earth Festival Teaser Party✭

✭ Śhānti ✭ Free Earth Festival Teaser Party✭ SABATO 20/04 2024

Śhānti ✭ Free Earth Festival Teaser Party ✭
Ultimo appuntamento psytrance indoor della stagione a SNODO MANDRIONE Roma.
Chiudiamo in bellezza con il Teaser di uno dei festival psytrance più famosi d’Europa! Il Free Earth festival è l’appuntamento ormai imperdibile di fine estate per gli amanti della musica elettronica ballata in riva al mare: 6 giorni di pura gioia sulle bianchissime spiagge della Grecia.
Durante la serata verrà distribuito materiale informativo e sarà possibile acquistare le prevendite del Free Earth Festival e del WAO festival a un prezzo scontato.
MORE INFO HERE:https://freeearth-festival.com/info@freeearth-festival.com
Ospite d’eccezione un grande dj e caro amico:PHOBOS – LOONEY MOON torna a Roma dopo 4 anni con nuova musica di altissima qualità!
Ready to dance? Psy your lifePsychedelically yours!Śhānti
LINE UPHigh quality Psytrance music 100% guaranteeed!
◆ PHOBOS  (Looney Moon)https://soundcloud.com/phobos_looney
◆ BENTLEY  (Śhānti / FreeSpiritRecords)https://soundcloud.com/gentleydj
◆ PLANTSTEP  (Śhānti)https://soundcloud.com/plantstep
◆ ITALO  (Śhānti)https://on.soundcloud.com/ZLDjc
Deco by: Śhāntihttp://www.facebook.com/freespiritfoundation
Handmade shop by: Tranceelfhttps://www.facebook.com/trancelfelisabeckerBody painting: Mela verde
Pay attention!!!The entrance is reserved to the members of the “Associazione culturale Roma Città aperta”. You can get the membership and skip the queue at the entrance filling the on line form here: https://www.snodomandrione.net/mandrione-warehouse/PRICE: 10 euro + 3 euro for annual membership. The annual membership lasts 12 months so if you were at our past events bring the card with you and you won\’t pay for it again.
LOCATION:SNODO MANDRIONEVia del Mandrione, 63, 00181 Romahttps://www.snodomandrione.net/mandrione-warehouse/How to get to SNODO MANDRIONE by public transport:The closest Metro Station is Furio camillo on the A (red) Line. (10 minutes walk, 1 km).
ABOUT US:Śhānti is one of the most respected and loved Italian psytrance organizations. It was born in 2006 when a group of close friends decided to start throwing their own parties in the sunny beaches of Rome. Over the time it has built strong connections with several visionary musicians and decorators. After more than 150 parties, Śhānti has become a benchmark in the psytrance Italian community due to the very fine quality of its productions. Its Roman legendary monthly psytrance party, is known all over the world for being a mind-blowing psychedelic experience, the ultimate combination of music and visuals! Śhānti still continues spreading worldwide the psychedelic culture, hosting the most appreciated international live acts and pushing its talented djs on the most important international dancefloors.If you want to know more about the Śhānti project or if you want to propose your art/music/performance contact us on facebook.Psy your lifePsychedelically yours!Śhāntihttp://www.facebook.com/freespiritfoundationhttp://www.flickr.com/freespiritfoundationhttp://vimeo.com/freespiritfoundation
—————————————————————————————————————————————-Free Earth Festival is a unique event in Europe, as it is the only beach festival of its kind. With roots dating back to the 1990s, we are determined to bring back the original story. A family gathering at an amazing seaside camping location in North Greece!Our Unique venue with 1 Amazing beach, 3 massive stages, 6 days of festival, 7 days of camping, 300 artists, only 5000 tickets!27 AUG – 1 SEPT 2024Free Earth Festivalhttps://freeearth-festival.com/info@freeearth-festival.com

Snodo Mandrione

Snodo Mandrione

associazione culturale Roma Città Aperta

 Via del Mandrione, 63
Telefono327 674 4460

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